So about my weekend, It was great and I woke up this morning with a smile because today is a public holiday...somebody say Hallelujah!!!
On Friday,was glad it was a public holiday so I had time for my clients and I went to an Easter drama in my church called "The Twisted Rainbow"...It was great and it just reminded me of what matters most in life which is obedience to God.
On Saturday, I attended the Holyhill Edx Volunteer Teachers Training in Abuja and it was great! Have you heard about it? It is the brainchild of Holyhill Church Abuja, they are passionate about the younger generation getting quality education.
This was the second batch of the volunteer teachers training and it was great...This is an opportunity to give back to the community by improving public education in Nigeria. We are all busy, we all have a lot of things to do but very little time to do them but there are kids in public schools all over the nation who aren't getting quality education, we can fold our hands and watch because our kids might never have to go to a public schools, we can even blame the government, or better still we can be the change we want to see and sacrifice our time and invest in the life of a child.
Save the Future, Teach a child today. Call 092909145 or send an email to or follow on twitter @holyhilledx for all the details you need.
Here are some pictures from the event...Enjoy
Kayode Ajayi-Smith
Meeeee :)
Kemi Lot
See my head Lmaoo
What was I explaining ooo? hehehe
Pastor Sunday Ogidigbo (The Organizer)
The Team
The signing in process
So thats what happened on saturday
On Sunday, I went to church and that was how my weekend ended, but my Easter continues today tho hehehe
What I wore on Sunday :)
Thanks for reading
Hugs & Kisses
This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success
- Joshua 1:8