This post is just to say thank you to everyone for your birthday wishes and prayers and also gifts, thank you so much and may you be celebrated also.
My birthday started out normal, it was a work day so I went to work and was surprised with a cake from a collegue and I was so excited...then halfway into my day I got another surprise cake from my bobo and gifts (gifts from My birthday wishlist ) my boo is just the best, can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him...If you didn't know I was engaged biko you are slacking o read the story HERE
After work I had a little birthday dinner with my family sponsored by my sister and I went to bed smiling and grateful
Here are pictures from the day for ya viewing pleasure ...
Thanks for reading
Hugs & kisses
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing;but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised -Proverbs31:30
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