Friday, 4 July 2014


Hello ma niggas! Howfar? How market? Biko how do you guys deal with hypocrites????? Especially in the work place? Because I have had it up to my throat.
Sorry about the way I started this post today but I just want to rant a little, shey I am permitted? Yes thank you.
So like I was saying, the way some people treat junior staff is heart breaking...because he is a security man or a utility staff doesn't mean we are in anyway better than him, yes he might not have a degree but he is a human being and he has a family and God loves him.
The Security man in my office was sent on an errand yesterday under the heavy downpour and he was drenched to his underwear...I was close to tears when he returned shivering and with no change of clothes. Then we lift up holy hands praising God when we pray expecting him to hear us? Hell no! He values human life more than our praise and worship or even our prayers.
When one sisi is leading prayers and another sisi dey eye the person wey dey lead JEHOV! Lord have mercy on us all.
How someone can interrupt and on going devotion with a shout because she came late and someone was standing on the walk way praying to his God...I wonder what God thinks of us sometimes, thank God for his mercies because if na old testament we dey eh! I dunno what would have happened.

There is a lot more that I wish to say but mehn lemme transfer aggression.

I love you all...

Thanks for reading

Hugs & Kisses

Blessed is he who blesses you and cursed is he who curses you. 
- Numbers 24:9b


  1. May God have mercy on us. The way some people treat others cos they are not on the same level and then on judgement day you wonder why you can't make heaven even with all your plenty tithe.. May God have mercy. Thanks Rume.

  2. Everyone needs compassion, the kindness of a Saviour! Let mercy fall on us :) Beautiful post

  3. Anybody who is rude to waiters, security men and is nice to other people is a bloody hypocrite. Well said

  4. Rume, I tagged you... You should check it out *winks*

  5. Rume, you have been tagged. Please check it out

  6. You find dem everywhere

  7. Its unacceptable for a messenger, talk more on who was employed as a security man nt a messenger... Its jst disheartening....
