Saturday, 30 August 2014


First of all I want to say a big thank you to Aby aka Madam Purple for tagging me in the gratitude challenge, I am thankful for her and for her blog, she has been a source of inspiration when my tank is empty.
Sometimes I get carried away with all the activities going on in my life but I always make out time to thank God for all he has done for me. I may not be able to mention all of them but I tell him how grateful I am.

1. When nominated you have 24 hours to accept the challenge.
2. You have to write or say 3 things you are grateful for on any social media platform just once.
3. You are to take a picture of a simple pleasure. A simple pleasure is something that makes (or made) you smile in a day preferably non humans (because I am sure a lot of people would list the humans as what they are grateful for). For example a cup of coffee, a bottle of your favorite soda or drink, a scoopful of ice cream, a butterfly that just perched on a window, something at your work desk, a game…You get the drift. It is something that should be inexpensive. It is not an opportunity to show off cars, watches, shoes and all the things that people like showing off nowadays.
4. You have to give out at least 5 USD (convert it to your local currency) within 7 days of accepting the challenge to a less privileged person or a cause or a charity organization. That's about 840 naira.
5. You nominate three people (within your circle) to take up the challenge.
6. If you don’t accept the challenge you are required to donate at least 20 USD to a charity organization of your choice.

1. Love: Love is power, and I feel more powerful when I love people. I am grateful that I have grown to become a more loving person and it gives me so much joy just to show love to other people especially people who have lost hope.
2. Good health: I have not been to the hospital for a long time and the last time I went sef na because I go do test nofin serious. I thank God daily for that.
3. My Job: God has surprised me so much this year and I am grateful. I thank God that I am not jobless even if I don't have all the degrees yet.

I am so grateful for my grows so fast, I wrapped and polished it #Naturalnails

So, I am nominating...drumrolls....

Finally I am grateful that I can blog and you can read...Enjoy your weekend and God bless you real good.

Hugs & Kisses

Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip or fall. 
- Psalms 55:22 NLT

Monday, 18 August 2014


Before I begin today, I want to state that this book I am holding in this photograph is all I need to get all I want out of life! I have decided to follow God's way because its the only way that works for me.

Remember that, the first person to leave a comment wins free airtime...start commenting (Nigerian readers only)...leave your email address after your comment.

Ok! So how are you guys doing? Don't mind my heading for today o...but I actually have packing fever, I hate scares the crap out of me. Anyhoo before I get carried away lemme gist you about my weekend.

On Friday, I couldn't go to church because it was raining heavily and I kinda had work to do in the office but that is not an excuse tho...I just wasn't feeling up to it before I go dey roast goat for church...what is roasting goat? it is the process of sleeping, and your mouth is opened in the process...get the picture?
So I also finished a book I have been reading recently...Making Marriage Work by Joyce Meyer...and It was amazing, lemme show you the pishure
I am always proud of myself anytime I finish a book and these days I am all about the marriage books...I am learning a lot and I don't plan to stop. I plan to build a library pretty soon.

On Saturday, I had to do some office movement and then I had to face my greatest fear...MOVING!!! I am moving to a new apartment by God's grace and I am happy but I wish someone could pack my things for me :( .
I have been procrastinating but I cannot fight it anymore, so decided to start moving my belongings little by little. I managed to move my clothes from my closet to my box...hehehe proud of me. I just wonder how I go pack go my husband house??? 

Sunday...I had a great time in the presence of my father and I felt refreshed...lemme show you what I wore to church first before I gist you what happened after church.

Nobody buys me dresses like my mother inlaw...chai she is an Angel.

So..the gist, I was cooking  Sunday rice o after church, naim gas finish...JEHOV!!!! I almost cried, has that ever happened to you? I don't wish that on anyone abeg...thank God I had money at home so I rushed to go fill it up...and I ate my rice.

Thanks for reading

Hugs & Kisses

The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord will answer my prayer
- Psalms 6:9 NLT

Tuesday, 12 August 2014


The series; 10 commandments to financial healing is still on-going o, I hope you guys are following? I trust that we are learning a thing or two, tho I feel bad sometimes that I do not get feedback but either way I would go on, I believe someone out there is being blessed by this.

Ok on to today's commandment...

Be prepared for what tomorrow brings.
No matter what, please commit to preparing yourself financially for the unexpected. This is something that most of us do not do and I used to be GUILTY!!! But thank God I have learnt my lesson and I have started preparing myself financially.
Sometimes I blame it on the economy, my income or the fact that most Nigerian private firms enjoy cheap labour but the truth is you cannot use what you do not have and if emergency arises, its not a fun thing to be running from pillar to post looking for who to borrow money from.

We have to use wisdom as it relates to our finances, wisdom is one of the key foundations to successfully obtaining financial healing.
Ask yourself now, would an unexpected expense set you back or would you be able to handle it and get back on your feet? As you spend your money remember to plan for the unexpected...Insure your house and cars, save for emergencies and don't forget to invest because most times when all is lost, all you can fall back to are your investments.
Its not a matter of what if, but when the rain falls...We have to be prepared for what tomorrow brings.

Thanks for always reading.

God bless you abundantly

But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children's children of those who are faithful to his covenant, of those who obey his commandments.
- Psalm 103:17-18NLT

Monday, 11 August 2014


Hey guys! How was your weekend? Don't really know how mine disappeared sha...weekends are really made in china and na the lowest grade.

Apologies for my absence on Friday, it was due to a very busy schedule, today is equally busy but I already told myself I must post here I am.

Lets begin with Friday...oh by the way, been thinking of a way to thank my followers and readers for always been there and I came up with a brilliant idea. The first of leave a comment gets free airtime from me!!!
So lets get commenting...please leave your email after your comment and you'll hear from moi. Applicable to only Nigerian Readers please.

So about Friday, I went to church after work as usual and it was an awesome time in the presence of God. Its always a great time tho...I usually do not do any other thing after church because by the time I am done, it should be about 9pm and all I want to do is sleep. So that was how Friday went.

On Saturday, I was up early because I had loads of things to do...and that was how my day just went vavavoom.

On Sunday, Oh! One of my best days in the week and it was amazing just singing and dancing in my father's presence and I smiled home afterwards and at my sunday rice and slept...Shinning teeth.
I really don't have plenty activities for now, some people say my life is boring but I say my life is peaceful and I enjoy minding my business.

Loving my new mani...all smiles

What I wore to my father's house on Sunday...

So, you might be wondering what I meant when I said LAST DAYS huh? Oh well with the recent happenings in the world, I do believe Jesus is coming soon and I urge you all to love each other, be good to people, pray and live ready because the end is near. 
Ok bye...

Thanks for reading

Hugs & Kisses

The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil
.- 1 Peter 3:12 NLT

Thursday, 7 August 2014


Woo Hoo, How are you guys doing today? How market? Hope your week has been blessed so far?

So I don come today with number 3 today o and I hope you are ready? Read number 1 HERE and number 2 HERE to catch up.


Let your budget inspire you.
We hear it all the time, we must spend within our budget, don't live above your means but what does this really mean?
Many people spend aimlessly without preparing a budget and as a result, they usually run into financial stress. But there is help and darris why you are reading this post.

Create a budget! 
A budget is simply a listing of expected income and expenses for a period of time. A budget should be prepared at the beginning of the month or periodically with the understanding that it is a flexible document (feel like a lecturer right now).
Ok! so moving should budget for all expected expenses because a budget serves as a road map to reach financial goals.

Let your budget inspire you daily, If you want to obtain victory over your financial life, consider taking steps towards living within your budget. If the need is not an emergency and you have already written your budget for the month, you should not allocate money to it.
Its not always easy I tell you but it can be done...just trust God and he'll help you.

I hope this has helped someone make a decision today? Until tomorrow when I come again with the 4th commandment, keep tithing, keep declaring and stay blessed.

Hugs & Kisses

But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God's very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. 
-1 Peter 2:9 NLT

Wednesday, 6 August 2014



Plan your Financial future.
How is your financial future? I ask myself all the time...

God tells us in his word that the plans of the diligent will lead to profit, however those who are hasty or fail to plan will certainly lead to poverty.

In order to obtain our financial healing, we must implement a plan for our finances. This way, unexpected expenses, unemployment or illness will not cause our financial house to be shaken.
No matter how little you earn, you should have a financial plan.

Its not always easy, especially when you have a lot of responsibilities but we can do it. One thing that I always do is WRITE! There is great power in writing, it is very essential to write down things most especially your financial goals.
I love to write, it calms me down. If I feel tensed financially, I write down a budget or a plan and do some calculations and the tension just goes away.

So I want to encourage you today to write down your goals, because there is nothing as powerful as putting your thoughts on paper. And don't just stop there, DECLARE and DECREE it. 
Wake up each morning declaring your financial goals will come to pass.
Post your goals somewhere you can see them daily and allow your goals to be a constant reminder of where you are going, It would encourage you when deciding whether to purchase a pair of shoes or save. 
Understand that making these small sacrifices would reduce your financial burden and allow you to live a financial healing lifestyle.

If you missed out on Commandment 1, read it HERE and let me know what you think.

Thanks for your devotion to this blog, God bless you abundantly.

Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.
-Colossians 3:1-2 NLT

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


I am no expert but I have taken time out to study about financial healing and I thought to share with my blog fam.
Hello sweeties, how are you today? Its a calm day at work and I have wanted to share this for so long.

I call it the 10 COMMANDMENTS TO FINANCIAL HEALING, I don't mean to sound too religious but this has worked for me so far and I believe it would help someone make better decisions. I am not where I want to be yet but I am definitely not where I used to be.
Looking back, I think I deserve a pat on the back because I know I have become a better person and it has been because I study a lot and I follow the books (The word of God).

Lemme not mary-go-round, lets get to it.


Put God first in your finances.
As I grew older and started earning money, I decided I would commit to tithing. So I did! With a fixed income, I decided I would trust God. Amazingly, my income would stretch and I never went totally broke.
After learning this simple lesson, I decided I would remain faithful in the area of tithing and to be a blessing to others no matter what.
The thought of giving up money can be very fearful, I know...been there, done that!. I questioned whether I would be able to meet my needs, been that I had to make financial decisions early in life.
When I speak to people about tithing, many are scared that they would be unable to make it if they commit to God. But the reality is, you can't afford not to! God tells us in Malachi 3:10
"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and try me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it."
You have to trust him in advance. You can't give to God and go hungry.
Deciding to trust God with my finances is the best decision I have ever made and it requires a faithful commitment to God.
When you decide to trust God and tithe, there may be distractions that get you off track but BEWARE because its only a test.
Stay true to your commitment and you will see God's blessings in your life.

Do I have any witness? Have you been a tither? What has been your experience so far?
Please tell me, I would love to know.
Watch this space for commandment 2.

Thanks for reading, I love you from the bottom pot of my heart.

Hugs & kisses

He gives strength to the weak. And those who have no might, He increases strength. 
-Isaiah 40:29

Monday, 4 August 2014


Hello guys, how are you today?
Happy new week and if I haven't said Happy New Month, there it is.

How was your weekend? Mine was wet, It has been raining everyday since Friday, guess its officially rainy season.
Lemme gist you about my weekend sha, didn't do much but lemme still share.
On Friday, as usual I went to church after work and It was great. Sometimes all I want to do is just sit in the presence of God and worship, He gives me hope. When people are telling me how I can't do this and that, God just holds me up and shows me the way to go...that's why I am always glad to go into the house of the Lord because he makes my life beautiful.

On Saturday, I planned a stay at home day, just to sleep and read but something came up and I had to rush out of the house and that is how I did not have my lazy Saturday.

Sunday was a rainy day, sadly I couldn't take any pictures. I was cold and I don't know how I forgot sha. LOL so no pictures for you guys today.

Gist me about your weekend na...your comments would calm my nerves.

Thanks for reading

Hugs & Kisses

Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us.
 - 1John 4:11-12(NLT)

Friday, 1 August 2014


Oh how I love to cook, it gives me great joy…think I got that from my mum because she is a born chef. Ok so that’s by the way...was already getting carried away.
Hey guys! TGIF!!!!! hehehe how are you guys doing today? Its another food Friday, so lets get to it.

Firstly I want to acknowledge the fact that I am a mini foodie! I say mini because I can stay without going to a fast food, I would rather make my own meal. That is not to say that I do not eat out o…I do especially on most special occasions with the fiancĂ©.
Lately I got major inspiration from a food blog I bumped into and I must confess she is amazing! I have never seem Nigerian food look so good.
I have always wanted to do food posts hence my Food Friday posts so far, HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE . And I have always wanted to try out recipes and share with you guys but anytime I start I always stop halfway, its either I don’t find some of the ingredients I need or time no dey.

But I am here to announce to you that very very very soon I go start!. I have gathered a lot of courage and inspiration and I think I am ready. Its going to be a Friday-Friday post as we have declared it a food day already.
I know I would get loads of support from you guys, questions and suggestions are welcome as this is a new phase for this blog and I would need all the help I can get.
Keep reading and keep commenting.

Hugs & Kisses

And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in his sight.
-2 Peter 3:14 NLT