Monday, 25 January 2016

Being a Full-time Mommy!

Before I got married, I always imagined how my wedding was going to be perfect and how my honeymoon was going to be heaven on earth and how I would like to enjoy my husband before thinking of getting pregnant and also pursue my career.

Or so I thought...

Fast forward to a month after my wedding and I had just resumed a new job, I suddenly realised I had not seen my monthly period and I was not feeling like my usual self. My boobs were hurting so bad and I was just falling asleep anyhow, anywhere.

I decided to do a pregnancy test and BOOOOOM!!!! my whole life changed.

The little one growing inside me was all that mattered and yes my husband still was my number 1 priority but I thought of my little baby morning, afternoon and night. I found myself praying for the big, the small and the ridiculous.

I dreamt of how tall and light skinned he would be (for some reason I knew he would be light skinned), I pictured his long legs like his daddy's and I imagined how adorable his smile would be.

Did I want a baby boy or girl?

I just wanted a beautiful healthy baby and I had picked a name, So the second I found out I was carrying a boy, I started calling him by his name OLUWASEMILORE which means "The Lord has done me well"

The Lord has done me well indeed! I gave birth to a healthy baby boy on the 1st of August 2015 and right there in the delivery room all I could say was Thank You Lord.

My Prince would be 6 months in a few days and I am overwhelmed with joy because I have watched him grow from a tiny little neonate to an infant and God has done well.

Being a full time mom is worth every minute, I resigned my job when I was 7 months pregnant because my mind and body could no longer manage the stress at work and I have not had any regrets.

Yes, I had to cut down on my spending but I had time to start up my business and nurture my baby. I have been breastfeeding exclusively for 6months and when I look at my baby and see how healthy and happy he is, I know for sure that no 'Job' on earth can give me the satisfaction I feel inside.

The sleepless nights are so worth it, the dirty diaper moments are golden and I would not trade being a mom for anything in the world.

That they should admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed
- Titus 2: 4-5 [NKJV]

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!! Thanks be to God that we all made it into 2016.
I know its already the 5th but hey! better late than never.
I want to sincerely thank all my readers and followers for sticking around in 2015 even if my posts were not regular, for those that don't know why please CLICK HERE

This year is going to be different for us, and I mean ''good'' different. I don't have new year resolutions but I have written down my goals for this year and God willing I would achieve them.

No long story today, I just wanted to wish all you beautiful people a happy new year and to appreciate you guys.

Please click the follow button to get notified when a new post is up.


Behold I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the dessert. - Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)