Answer the questions below and find out...
- Is your partner very supportive of things you do? YES/ NO
- Does your partner encourage you to try new things? YES/ NO
- Does your partner listen when you have something on your mind? YES/ NO
- Does your partner understand that you have your own life too? YES/ NO
- Do your friends and family like your partner? YES/ NO
- Does your partner call and text you all the time? YES/ NO
- Does your partner think you spend too much trying to look nice? YES/ NO
- Is your partner extremely jealous and possessive? YES/ NO
- Does your partner accuse you of flirting or cheating? YES/ NO
- Does your partner control what you wear and how you look? YES/ NO
- Does your partner control what you do and who you see? YES/ NO
- Does your partner keep you from seeing or talking to family and friends? YES/ NO
- Does your partner have big mood swings? YES/ NO
- Does your partner get angry and yells at you one minute but is sweet and apologetic the next minute? YES/ NO
- Does your partner put you down, call you names or criticize you? YES/ NO
- Does your partner make you feel like you cant do anything right or blames you for problems? YES/ NO
- Does your partner make you feel like no one else would want you?YES/ NO
- Does your partner threaten to hurt you, your family or friends? YES/ NO
- Does your partner threaten to hurt him or herself because of you? YES/ NO
- Does your partner threaten to destroy your things? YES/ NO
- Do you get grabbed, pushed, shoved, choked, punched or slapped?
- Does your partner throw things at you or hurt you in any way? YES/ NO
- Does you partner yell, scream or humiliate you in front of other people? YES/ NO
- Does your partner pressure or force you to have sex? YES/ NO
It is important you answer all the questions correctly and sincerely because this is a test to know if you are in a healthy relationship or not. This test is not just for women, there are also women out there who are the abusers, so men make sure you check your relationships too.
If your answer to the first 5 questions is YES and and your answer to the other questions is NO, it is a good thing, your relationship is on a pretty good track. Remember that while you may have a healthy relationship, it is possible that a friend of yours does not...you can help by sharing this post with the person and help the person find help.
Thanks for answering the questions, let me know if there are other questions to ask ourselves as regards a healthy relationship...I would also like to know if you are in a healthy relationship.
For the records I am in a very healthy relationship and I wish you all the best.
Thanks for your comments
Hugs & Kisses
A good man obtains favour from the Lord, but a man of wicked intentions he will condemn
- Proverbs 12:2
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